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Fantastisch gut lesen, Englisch 5-7

Oldham:Fantastisch gut lesen Engl.5-7
Autor: Pete Oldham
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 04.08.2015
Artikelnummer: 665231
ISBN / EAN: 9783403072546

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

25,99 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


The purpose of this book is to identify the importance and relationship of the effective training program in The Dharmawangsa hotel and job performance of butlers, to analyze the factors that affect the quality of the program and to know the awareness of management of the existence of the butler service and the performance of butlers. The primary data is collected by conducting interviews and questionnaires with butlers and gathering secondary data about the training program in the Butler department. The training program augments the performance of butlers. Therefore, an effective training program which involves the competent trainer and training topic as significant factors attracts and influences butlers to attend the training and motivate them to enhance their performance. Moreover, the management of The Dharmawangsa is aware of the existence of the butler service.


Autor Verlag Auer Verlag in der AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH
ISBN / EAN 9783403072546 Bindung Heftbindung

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