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101 Great GAA Controversies

Scally:101 Great GAA Controversies
Autor: John Scally
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 27.04.2023
Artikelnummer: 2658318
ISBN / EAN: 9781785304644

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

13,00 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


Nothing excites GAA fans like a controversy and John Scally is no exception. Shedding light on events such as the infamous hurling summer of 1998, this book will captivate fans with the stories that turn our national games into our national soap opera.

101 Great GAA Controversies is a collection of fascinating accounts from the field with appearances from some famous and infamous personalities, like Joe Brolly, Ger Loughnane, Pat Spillane and Babs Keating. With stories from the last 130 years, it is the major controversies that turn national games into our nationwide issues, often infuriating but never boring!

Revealing insights into the Cork hurling strikes; Bloody Sunday; The Battle of Omagh; the Tony Keady affair; Louth's lost Leinster final; Kerry's undressing; the Sky Sports deal and of course the gripping events of the never to be forgotten hurling summer of 1998, this collection is bound to enthral all fans of Gaelic Games and might even settle a score or two.

Including epic tales from Gaelic football, women's football, camogie and hurling, this book is sure to entertain fans of every GAA sport and continue the lore of the Gaelic Games.


Autor Verlag Bonnier Books UK
ISBN / EAN 9781785304644 Bindung Taschenbuch

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