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Organizational Reputation Management

Laskin:Organizational Reputation Manage
Autor: Alexander V. Laskin
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 30.04.2024
Artikelnummer: 2656823
ISBN / EAN: 9781394180332

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

47,10 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


Teaches public relations through the management of relationships with key organizational publics, perfect for business and management students
Organizational Reputation Management: A Strategic Public Relations Perspective presents comprehensive coverage of how corporations, governments, and non profit organizations build and maintain their reputation. This unique textbook provides students with a solid understanding of the function of public relations as a strategic activity, as author Alexander V. Laskin offers a real-world relationship management perspective while employing an innovative approach to defining and analyzing reputation.
Student-friendly chapters introduce all essential concepts of reputation management, describe the entire process of reputation management, help future organizational leaders appreciate the importance of reputation, explain measurement and evaluation methods, and define organizational reputation through relationships with key stakeholders such as investors, employees, and customers.
Designed to be used with the PRSA MBA/Business School Initiative curriculum, Organizational Reputation Management demonstrates how to apply the Research, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation (RPIE) process, the Paid, Earned, Shared, and Owned (PESO) communications model, the Barcelona Principles, and other key public relations concepts in the context of organizational reputation.
Organizational Reputation Management: A Strategic Public Relations Perspective is the ideal textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses in reputation management, public relations management, and strategic communication.


Autor Verlag Wiley & Sons
ISBN / EAN 9781394180332 Bindung Taschenbuch

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