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An Approach to Successful Tympanoplasty

Gupta:An Approach to Successful Tympano
Autor: B Gupta
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 10.07.2024
Artikelnummer: 2643165
ISBN / EAN: 9789395390934

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

119,99 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


An Approach to Successful Tympanoplasty is a comprehensive book covering most of the real-world topics related to this field. Major part of this book covers practical aspects of tympanoplasty, which are extremely useful for junior consultants as well as for postgraduate students.

Most of the middle ear surgeries such as tympanoplasty and ossiculoplasty are quite demanding and require a very systematic approach. Proper selection of cases, counseling of the patients, preparation, surgical technique, and postoperative care are critical to make the surgery successful.

Key Features:

- Various techniques of tympanoplasty, especially 360-degree full-cuff underlay technique, importance of canalplasty and mastoidectomy, tympanoplasty in wet ear, difficult situations in tympanoplasty, causes of failure of tympanoplasty, and revision tympanoplasty.
- Different techniques of ossiculoplasty, such as autograft ossiculoplasty, cartilage ossiculoplasty, ossiculoplasty in canal wall down surgery in cholesteatoma cases, ossiculoplasty along with canal wall reconstruction in cholesteatoma cases, ossiculoplasty failure, and revision ossioculoplasty.
- A series of clear and self-explanatory surgical photographs and high-quality videos to help the readers understand the surgical technique.


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Autor Verlag Thieme, Stuttgart
ISBN / EAN 9789395390934 Bindung Hardcover

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