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The Legend of Zelda Encyclopedia

The Legend of Zelda Encyclopedia
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 21.06.2018
Artikelnummer: 2599853
ISBN / EAN: 9781506706382

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

49,20 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


This 320-page book is an exhaustive guide to The Legend of Zelda from the original The Legend of Zelda to Twilight Princess HD. Make sure to check out the other installments in this unparalleled collection of historical information on The Legend of Zelda franchise with the New York Times best selling The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia and The Legend of Zelda: Art & Artifacts. Also look for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild -- Creating a Champion for an indepth look at the art, lore, and making of the best selling video game!

A comprehensive collection of enemies and items, potions to poes, an expansion of the lore touched upon in Hyrule Historia, concept art, screencaps, maps, main characters and how they relate, languages, and much, much more, including an exclusive interview with Series Producer, Eiji Aonuma! This, the last of The Goddess Collection trilogy, which includes Hyrule Historia and Art & Artifacts, is a treasure trove of explanations and information about every aspect of The Legend of Zelda universe!

An exhaustive compendium of everything from the first 30 years of The Legend of Zelda.

An expansion of information from The Legend of Zelda timeline.

Rare development sketches of your favorite characters.

An extensive database of items and enemies.


Verlag Penguin US ISBN / EAN 9781506706382
Bindung Hardcover

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