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Strange Planet Activity Book

Pyle:Strange Planet Activity Book
Autor: Nathan W. Pyle / Nathan W. Pyle
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 13.09.2021
Artikelnummer: 2592904
ISBN / EAN: 9780063049758

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

13,50 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


An activity book based on Strange Planet, Nathan W. Pyle's #1 New York Times bestseller!

Our favorite literal-speaking Beings return in this fun and hilarious activity book for kids 8-12 and fans of all ages.

The book, filled with puzzles, games, and activities, features iconic big eyed, blue Beings, a bright pastel palette, and delightfully odd, deadpan humor. There are over one hundred pages to joyfully doodle in and complete, with activities ranging from crossword puzzles, mazes, word searches, matching games, spot the difference, and more.

This activity book incorporates absurd "Strange Planet" lingo like "foot fabric tubes" (socks) and "vibrating creature" (purring cat) throughout.

This activity book taps into what we love most about Strange Planet: the humor. This book will give young fans of the Strange Planet series yet another opportunity to visit their favorite blue Beings.


Autor Verlag HarperCollins US
ISBN / EAN 9780063049758 Bindung Taschenbuch

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