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Korean Made Easy for Everyday Life, m. 1 Audio

Oh:Korean Made Easy for Everyday Life,
Autor: Seung Eun Oh
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Artikelnummer: 2590369
ISBN / EAN: 9788927733034

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

34,90 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


This book is a part of the Korean Made Easy series, a bestseller in self-study Korean language books. This volume helps beginner and intermediate students learn Korean through examples of real-life situations. Part 1 deals with 50 expressions which are very often used in everyday situations, and readers may even practice conversations skills with these expressions. Part 2 introduces 24 conversational examples visitors are likely to experience in Korea, along with vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and cultural content that are useful in real-life situations.*Developing conversational skills by practicing real-life situations!**The book allows beginning to intermediate students (A2~B1) who have knowledge of Hangul, tense and basic elements to learn practical conversational Korean. The "grammar rehearsal" and "conversation rehearsal" parts provide practice for vocabulary and grammar, ultimately resulting in increased communication skills.*Conversations are provided in both slow pace and regular pace for enhanced listening skills!**Part 2 offers two versions of conversations; once slow and then at regular speed so students may understand the audio better. Students may also repeatedly listen to the pronunciation of native speakers using the QR code, for enhanced listening skills.*A fun way to understand the cultural background of the Korean language!**In the final part of each chapter in part 2, various information about Korean life and culture is provided in Spanish to help students better understand Korea and Koreans in general. A fun way to self-study!


Autor Verlag Korean Book Services
ISBN / EAN 9788927733034 Bindung Taschenbuch

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