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Life is movement is music

Hauser-Dellefant:Life is movement is mu
Autor: Angelika Hauser-Dellefant / Eleonore Witoszynskyj
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Artikelnummer: 2590306
ISBN / EAN: 9783752007657

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

29,90 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


What do music and movement have to do with our being human? Basic musicality and basic patterns of movement are given to all of us. Without these qualities we would not be able to learn languages and understand each other. That which
initially functions unconsciously, can be stimulated and supported through artistic means. Artistic expression is part of human nature and not a luxury. Especially through music and movement we can develop the foundations of communication
and enhance our awareness of life. The present book shows how the connections between music and movement can
be taken up in education to develop social and creative skills - not only the skills of children, but also those of adults, elderly people and people with special needs. After a short introduction to the development of the Viennese education, the interrelations of music and movement are presented in more detail in terms of different aspects of Music and Movement/Rhythmics. The applications of the approach when working with different target groups are described and insight into the didactics of the approach is provided.


Autor Verlag Reichert
ISBN / EAN 9783752007657 Bindung Taschenbuch

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