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Artificial Intelligence Act

Artificial Intelligence Act
Autor: Domenik Henning Wendt / Janine Wendt
Verfügbarkeit: Vorbestellbar!
Veröffentlicht am: Erscheint am 01.07.2024
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Artikelnummer: 2586202
ISBN / EAN: 9783848788484

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

260,00 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten

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The Article-by-Article-Commentary on the new EU Law on Artificial IntelligenceThis volume provides a comprehensive article-by-article commentary on the new provisions of the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act). It contains chapters on, among other things, technical and ethical foundations, responsibility for AI as well as data protection aspects.The Artificial Intelligence Act provides harmonised rules for the development, marketing and use of AI systems in the EU, including for the safety and fundamental rights of individuals. It thus has a direct legal and economic impact on business activities and the users of AI systems.The authors describe in detail
  • which obligations are imposed on providers and commercial users of AI systems,
  • how such systems can be introduced and used in compliance with the law, and
  • what requirements are placed on the providers (e.g., developers of an AI application for robot-assisted surgery) and the users of such systems (e.g., the hospital using the AI application in surgery).Additional content
  • Systematic presentation of the law of artificial intelligence in Switzerland
  • Additional chapters, among others on technical and ethical foundations, on further regulatory frameworks, on the responsibility for AI and on aspects of data protection lawPotential readersIn-house counsels, companies, lawyers, market surveillance authorities, supervisory authorities, business and consumer associations, research institutions, non-governmental organisations, European institutions.About the contributorsThe book is edited by Prof. Dr. Janine Wendt, Chair of Civil Law and Corporate Law at the Technical University of Darmstadt, and Prof. Dr. Domenik H. Wendt, LL.M., Chair of Civil Law, European Business Law and European Law at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. The authors are experts from academia and from legal as well as regulatory practice.
  • Zusatzinformation

    Autor Verlag Nomos
    ISBN / EAN 9783848788484 Bindung Taschenbuch

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