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Nietzsche on Human Emotions

Tuncel:Nietzsche on Human Emotions
Autor: Yunus Tuncel
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 13.12.2021
Artikelnummer: 2476986
ISBN / EAN: 9783796543456

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

64,00 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


Nietzsche's Emotive Theory
Much has been said on particular feelings that appear in Nietzsche's works, such as pity, revenge, altruism, guilt, shame, and ressentiment. But there has not been a significant study on Nietzsche's overall teachings on feeling and emotion. What does Nietzsche mean by feeling and the related phenomena? Out of such disparate types of feelings and disparate reflections by Nietzsche on them, can one make sense or can one speak of a theory of feelings in Nietzsche? If so, how does this theory fit with his philosophy of value? On the other hand, how do his teachings relate to some of the later concepts of his philosophy such as the overhuman, the will to power and the eternal return of the same? While the book will contextualize Nietzsche's emotive theory in relation to other emotive theories in the history of ideas, it will also explore Nietzsche's influence on later generations in this area.


Autor Verlag Schwabe Verlag Basel
ISBN / EAN 9783796543456 Bindung Hardcover

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