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Thomas Pihl

Thomas Pihl
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Artikelnummer: 2360042
ISBN / EAN: 9783775749206

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

38,00 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


- first extensive showcase of the Norwegian artist - monochrome painting - minimalist play of light and color - first extensive showcase of the Norwegian artist - monochrome painting - minimalist play of light and color

The history of monochrome painting goes back more than a century. Since Kazimir Malevich revolutionized the art world in 1915 with his "Black Square," which was based on a single color surface, this artistic form of expression has taken many different paths and never lost its ability to fascinate. The distinctive works of Norwegian painter Thomas Pihl join this tradition: they do not tell a story about a motif, but nevertheless, occupy the physical and mental spaces that surround them. They invite the viewer to interact, provoke thought, and give rise to discussion. In his works, Pihl applies the colors to the canvas in many layers, allowing a view of the traces of the working process. The resulting visual world, which in its play of light and color shows us the nature of perception, is now summarized for the first time in a comprehensive publication.

Thomas Pihl (*1964, Norway) is a Norwegian artist who lives between New York and Bergen. In the course of his more than thirty years of artistic activity, he has worked primarily with monochrome painting, and since about 2000 has devoted himself to the study of the interplay of natural light and color.


Verlag Hatje Cantz Verlag ISBN / EAN 9783775749206
Bindung Taschenbuch

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