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Schumann's Whisk(e)y Lexicon

Gabányi:Schumann's Whisk(e)y Lexicon
Autor: Stefan Gabányi
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 16.03.2021
Artikelnummer: 2307488
ISBN / EAN: 9780847867097

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

49,20 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


A completely updated new edition of the classic guide to the whiskeys of the world by the whiskey expert from Charles Schumann's famed Schumann's bar in Munich.

This critically acclaimed guide to whiskeys of all types is back in print with its comprehensive coverage of every conceivable whiskey in precise, detailed, easy to understand yet delightful to read descriptions. While specially designed for quick and easy reference, the book is tastefully produced and handsome in its own right--the perfect gentleman's gift.

Featuring over a thousand entries, this handbook discusses the world's leading and lesser-known whiskeys, making it an ideal source for the aficionado and the budding novice alike. Every traditional type of whiskey is included: Scotch single malt, blends, vatted malts, single grains, and Irish, as well as those from the new world (bourbon, rye, and Canadian).

The book also takes a serious look at trendy new whiskeys emerging from Japan and continental Europe and explores how unique flavors are created through variations of ingredients, distilling techniques, and aging. Organized alphabetically in the style of a dictionary, the volume is rounded out with additional advice on serving, collecting, and storage. Every manner and nuance of whiskey is discussed between the book's elegant covers.


Autor Verlag Rizzoli US
ISBN / EAN 9780847867097 Bindung Hardcover

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