Digitale Kirche
Kretzschmar:Digitale Kirche
Autor: | Gerald Kretzschmar |
Verfügbarkeit: | Auf Lager. |
Veröffentlicht am: | 18.11.2019 |
Artikelnummer: | 2177899 |
ISBN / EAN: | 9783374064755 |
Wie greift die evangelische Kirche das Thema Digitalisierung auf und wie integriert sie dies in ihr Handeln? Das innovative Buch von Gerald Kretzschmar reflektiert diese Frage aus kirchentheoretischer Perspektive. Es zeigt zum einen, mit welchen Kirchenbildern sich kirchliche Organisationen bei der Präsentation von Digitalisierungsinitiativen in Szene setzen. Zum anderen wird untersucht, wie kirchliche Mitarbeitende digitale Anwendungen und Möglichkeiten in ihrem beruflichen Alltag nutzen und welche Erfahrungen sie damit machen. So können Tendenzen und Konturen der aktuellen Debatte widergespiegelt und die Chancen und Grenzen digitaler Anwendungen und Möglichkeiten in der beruflichen Alltagspraxis der Kirche präzise abgebildet werden.
[Digital Church. Snapshots and Impulses]
How does the Protestant Church take up the issue of digitization and how does it integrate it into its actions? This book reflects this question from a church-theoretical perspective. On the one hand, it shows which church images are used by church organisations to present digitisation initiatives. On the other hand, it examines how church staff members use digital applications and possibilities in their everyday work and what experiences they have with them. In this way, trends and outlines of the current debate can be reflected and the opportunities and limits of digital applications and possibilities in the Church's everyday work can be precisely depicted.
[Digital Church. Snapshots and Impulses]
How does the Protestant Church take up the issue of digitization and how does it integrate it into its actions? This book reflects this question from a church-theoretical perspective. On the one hand, it shows which church images are used by church organisations to present digitisation initiatives. On the other hand, it examines how church staff members use digital applications and possibilities in their everyday work and what experiences they have with them. In this way, trends and outlines of the current debate can be reflected and the opportunities and limits of digital applications and possibilities in the Church's everyday work can be precisely depicted.
Autor | Gerald Kretzschmar | Verlag | Evangelische Verlagsanstalt |
ISBN / EAN | 9783374064755 | Bindung | Taschenbuch |
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