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Ultrasound Q & A Review for the Boards

Dawkins, Ultrasound Q & A Board Review
Autor: Adrian Dawkins
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Artikelnummer: 2169857
ISBN / EAN: 9781626234857

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

65,00 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


Ultrasound Q&A provides invaluable prep material for board exams!

Ultrasound Q&A Review for the Boards by esteemed radiologist and educator Adrian Dawkins and an impressive array of authors, delivers a robust test prep. Employing a self-evaluation approach, the book presents fundamental and practice-oriented concepts in ultrasound.

The overall layout mirrors the ABR board exams, with ultrasound images presented in a clinical framework followed by board-format multiple-choice questions. Chapters are generally organized by organ systems and encompass all major areas. The text starts with two chapters covering the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. Subsequent chapters encompass pediatric, renal, hepatobiliary, musculoskeletal, breast, neck, and scrotal ultrasound. The final two chapters on miscellaneous topics and physics ensure a more comprehensive review.

Key Features:

- Easy-to-follow cases reinforce common ultrasound concepts, aiding in retention

- Practical questions and answers inspired by everyday practice include explanations for both the correct and incorrect answers, enhancing comprehension and knowledge

- References at the end of each chapter provide readers with resources for further exploration

This book provides an essential review for radiology trainees prepping for initial board certification and sonographers preparing for the boards.


Autor Verlag Thieme, Stuttgart
ISBN / EAN 9781626234857 Bindung Taschenbuch

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