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Autor: Roger ThannerThies
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Artikelnummer: 2153200
ISBN / EAN: 9781604062021

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

39,99 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


The perfect study tool for preparing for your courses or examinations - Physiology - An Illustrated Review's focused presentation and full-color illustrations makes learning the complex information essential to success easier. Sidebars make connections to underlying concepts in other basic sciences or apply the concepts presented in the clinical setting.


Succinct bullet-point text streamlines studying

Hundreds of full-color illustrations reinforce clear explanatory text

Numerous tables sum up crucial information for quick review

Frequent sidebars build on and integrate learning across the basic sciences and apply this learning to the clinical setting

200 review questions with a rationale for why answers are right or wrong test mastery and help you prepare for exams

An additional 200 review questions, all available online allow you to test yourself and get immediate feedback, quickly identifying areas for further study


Autor Verlag Thieme, Stuttgart
ISBN / EAN 9781604062021 Bindung Hardcover

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