Autor: | Josef Isensee |
Verfügbarkeit: | Auf Lager. |
Artikelnummer: | 2145616 |
ISBN / EAN: | 9783428155545 |
Die räumlichen Grenzen des Staates: das Thema hat viele Facetten. Die Studie widmet sich der Grenze in ihrer unterschiedlichen Bedeutung als Grenzlinie und als Grenzregime. Gegenstand sind die positiven Regelungen des nationalen, supranationalen und internationalen Rechts, aber auch die Bedeutung der Grenze als Vorgabe von Staat und Verfassung. Zu den gegenwärtigen Erscheinungen treten historische Grundlagen und utopische Gegenentwürfe. Das Thema weckt die Erinnerung an den mythischen Hüter der Grenze, die römische Gottheit Terminus, aber sie weist auch auf ihren heutigen Hüter, die Weltgemeinschaft der Staaten. Die Grenze zeitigt heikle politische Relevanz in der Flüchtlingskrise 2015. Die Grenze durchzieht über ihre territorialstaatliche Präsenz hinaus die ganze Rechtsordnung. Sie bildet ein Formelement der menschlichen Daseinsverfassung. Jenseits der rechtlichen und realen Phänomene erheben sich die philosophischen Wesens- und Sinnfragen.
"Borders. A Study Concerning the Territoriality of the State"
Borders - the territoriality of state: this topic contains many different aspects. Consequently, the study is dedicated to the various semantics of the border. On the one hand, there are positive regulations of the national, supranational and international law, but on the other hand the border serves as a requirement of the state as well as of the constitution. In addition to the current phenomena, both their historical basis and utopian counter ideas are discussed. This subject awakens memories of the mythical border guardian, the Roman deity Terminus, but it also refers to our international community, which assumes this role today. Moreover, the border carries delicate political relevance in the refugee crisis of 2015. Extending beyond its national territorial presence, the border permeates the whole legal system. Thus, it constitutes a formal element of the basic issues of human existence. Beyond legal and real phenomena philosophical and essential questions of meaning arise.
Borders - the territoriality of state: this topic contains many different aspects. Consequently, the study is dedicated to the various semantics of the border. On the one hand, there are positive regulations of the national, supranational and international law, but on the other hand the border serves as a requirement of the state as well as of the constitution. In addition to the current phenomena, both their historical basis and utopian counter ideas are discussed. This subject awakens memories of the mythical border guardian, the Roman deity Terminus, but it also refers to our international community, which assumes this role today. Moreover, the border carries delicate political relevance in the refugee crisis of 2015. Extending beyond its national territorial presence, the border permeates the whole legal system. Thus, it constitutes a formal element of the basic issues of human existence. Beyond legal and real phenomena philosophical and essential questions of meaning arise.
Autor | Josef Isensee | Verlag | Duncker & Humblot |
ISBN / EAN | 9783428155545 | Bindung | Taschenbuch |
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