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Katharina von Werz

Katharina von Werz
Autor: Eva Karcher / Katharina von Werz
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 12.02.2013
Artikelnummer: 2135195
ISBN / EAN: 9783942405829

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

39,90 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


Gemälde und Skulpturen - zwischen Sanftheit und Explosivität
"Katharina von Werz (b. Munich, 1940; lives and works in Munich) is an artist of her own kind. The painter and sculptor, who was educated in Geneva and Munich, charted a path apart from the stylistic movements and trends of recent art history. Since the 1970s, she has developed a fascinatingly multifaceted and distinctive visual vocabulary. Her observation of nature and a myriad of keenly perceived sense impressions form the point of departure for a creative process in which the particular motif is gradually transformed into an "inward image." The present monograph was written and edited by the journalist and art-market expert Eva Karcher. In six chapters illustrated by numerous documentary photographs as well as a large set of lavish plates, she offers an analytical and vivid portrait of the artist's unique fusion of art and live. What Katharina von Werz's art renders visible is movement as an idea and vital energy that implicitly acknowledges impermanence to be what makes vibrancy possible. The reader is invited to discover an artist who has kept Munich's bohemian tradition, in which she is rooted, alive, becoming a pioneer of post-avant-gardism and its cultivation of the lifestyle as a total work of art."


Autor Verlag Distanz
ISBN / EAN 9783942405829 Bindung Hardcover

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