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Reise durch Nubien - Fotos einer Expedition um 1900

Reise durch Nubien - Fotos einer Expedi
Autor: Jana Helmbold-Doyé / Thomas L. Gertzen
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 18.03.2020
Artikelnummer: 2088794
ISBN / EAN: 9783954903672

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

49,00 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


Nubia around 1900, sunken worlds on rediscovered photographs from the Egyptian Museum Berlin; in the course of indexing the museum's photographic archive, 340 photographs from an expedition to the region between the first and second Nile cataracts have reappeared, a selection of which are published for the first time in this volume. Accompanied by articles on the background of the journey, the cultural landscape of Nubia and the history of early photography in Egypt, it presents additional unpublished pencil drawings from the inventory of the Southern Methodist University, Dallas. This completes the collection of sources on the journey to Nubia in 1900 already published in MRF 2 and provides further insights into a world that has since sunk into the floods of the Nasser Reservoir.


Autor Verlag Reichert
ISBN / EAN 9783954903672 Bindung Hardcover

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