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Oppliger:nofilter (englisch)
Autor: Tabea Oppliger
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 01.10.2019
Artikelnummer: 2054590
ISBN / EAN: 9783038481867

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

16,00 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


Never before has a generation been found documenting so much but accomplishing so little. In a world where we all scroll through the highlight reels of people we often don't even know, with filter after filter to hide any flaws and shortcomings, we have lost connection to the raw and the real and the truly beautiful: the #nofilter life. I am broadcasting the hours and hours of becoming in this book, revealing the behind the scenes scenarios and telling you that living the dream equals building the dream with blood, sweat and tears. My desire is not merely to inspire you with the story of my life but to inject energy into you to go ahead and move in your original design, the you before the world told you who you had to be. What if a world restored in purpose and people would look like you in motion? What if I told you that the world depended on you to take the first step? Well it does. And guess what, often times we only find out where we're going, when we actually start walking. I invite you to get on board and find out what the #nofilter journey looks like so you can go ahead and unlock yours!


Autor Verlag fontis - Brunnen Basel
ISBN / EAN 9783038481867 Bindung Taschenbuch

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