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Christliche Sozialethik

UTB.3337 Wilhelms.Christl.Sozialethik
Autor: Günter Wilhelms / Klaus von Stosch
Verfügbarkeit: nur noch 3 lieferbar
Veröffentlicht am: 18.03.2010
Artikelnummer: 781171
ISBN / EAN: 9783825233372

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

14,99 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


The common marsh periwinkle Littorina irrorata is a typical inhabitant of intertidal marshes and rocky areas. The snails play an integral part in these habitats as detritivores and prey, therefore, their existence is an important link in the food web as well as the health of the intertidal zones. However, various characteristics of their environment influence their population density, distribution, and growth. This book investigates the first official observation of differences in shell length and mass between periwinkles found in rocky and marsh intertidal environments in Eastern Virginia. Factors which most greatly impact the snails were investigated through the implementation of a habitat survey, laboratory trials, and reciprocal transfers.


Autor Verlag UTB
ISBN / EAN 9783825233372 Bindung Taschenbuch

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