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Romantik 2023

Romantik 2023
Autor: Gísli Magnússon / Benedikt Hjartarson / Kim Simonsen / Thor J. Mednick / Marie-Louise Svane / Marja Lahelma / Sine Krogh
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 09.12.2024
Artikelnummer: 2659489
ISBN / EAN: 9783847117865

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

25,00 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


The articles range over the full variety of cultural practices, including the written word, visual arts, history, philosophy, religion, and theatre during the romantic period (c. 1780-1840). But contributions to the discussion of pre- or post-romantic representations are also welcome. Since the romantic era was characterized by an emphasis on the vernacular, the title of the journal has been chosen to reflect the Germanic root of the word. But the journal is interested in all European romanticisms - and not least the connections and disconnections between them - hence, the use of the plural in the subtitle.Romantik is a peer-reviewed journal supported by the Nordic Board for Periodicals in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOP-HS). The study of romantic modes of thought

"Romantik. Journal for the Study of Romanticisms" is a multidisciplinary journal dedicated to the study of romantic-era cultural productions and concepts. The journal promotes innovative research across disciplinary borders. It aims to advance new historical discoveries, forward-looking theoretical insights and cutting-edge methodological approaches. The articles range over the full variety of cultural practices, including the written word, visual arts, history, philosophy, religion, and theatre during the romantic period (c. 1780-1840). But contributions to the discussion of pre- or post-romantic representations are also welcome. Since the romantic era was characterized by an emphasis on the vernacular, the title of the journal has been chosen to reflect the Germanic root of the word. But the journal is interested in all European romanticisms - and not least the connections and disconnections between them - hence, the use of the plural in the subtitle.

Romantik is a peer-reviewed journal supported by the Nordic Board for Periodicals in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOP-HS).


Autor Verlag V&R unipress
ISBN / EAN 9783847117865 Bindung Taschenbuch

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