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Leadership Theory

Dugan:Leadership Theory
Autor: John P. Dugan
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 25.04.2024
Artikelnummer: 2642021
ISBN / EAN: 9781394152100

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

69,90 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


A comprehensive volume on leadership theories and their applications--with an emphasis on social justice
Leadership Theory: Cultivating Critical Perspectives is an interdisciplinary survey text designed for use in undergraduate or graduate classrooms. This trusted book provides an overview of essential theories in leadership studies, infusing critical commentary to enhance readers' understanding and practice of leadership. The book uses compelling examples, reflective questions, and illustrations to cultivate your ability to engage as a critical learner. Powerful narratives from accomplished leaders around the world offer insights on the challenges and rewards of leadership.
This revised edition incorporates the latest research in the field of leadership, as well as substantial changes aimed at bringing increased cohesion to the text. New narratives lend a fresh and relevant tone that today's learners will appreciate.
* * Learn the fundamental concepts, origins, and evolution of 20+ leadership theories
* * Understand the pros and cons of different leadership theories, so you can apply them wisely and effectively
* * Consider the influences of ethics, justice, and social location on leadership
* * Focus on leadership practices that promote social justice and equality
Students studying leadership, as well as professionals developing their leadership skills within specific disciplines, will gain a thorough appreciation of the real-world complexities of leadership and how the leading theories attempt to capture them.


Autor Verlag Wiley & Sons
ISBN / EAN 9781394152100 Bindung Hardcover

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