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The Legend of Auntie Po

Khor:The Legend of Auntie Po
Autor: Shing Yin Khor
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 01.04.2022
Artikelnummer: 2635608
ISBN / EAN: 9780525554899

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

17,20 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten



Part historical fiction, part fable, and 100 percent adventure. Thirteen-year-old Mei reimagines the myths of Paul Bunyan as starring a Chinese heroine while she works in a Sierra Nevada logging camp in 1885.

Aware of the racial tumult in the years after the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act, Mei tries to remain blissfully focused on her job, her close friendship with the camp foreman's daughter, and telling stories about Paul Bunyan--reinvented as Po Pan Yin (Auntie Po), an elderly Chinese matriarch.

Anchoring herself with stories of Auntie Po, Mei navigates the difficulty and politics of lumber camp work and her growing romantic feelings for her friend Bee. The Legend of Auntie Po is about who gets to own a myth, and about immigrant families and communities holding on to rituals and traditions while staking out their own place in the United States.


Autor Verlag Penguin Random House
ISBN / EAN 9780525554899 Bindung Taschenbuch

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