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Critical Geography

Critical Geography
Autor: Steven Evans / Max Fields / Mónica Alcázar-Duarte / Syahrul Anuar / Adrian L. Burrell / Hyun-taek Cho / Binh Danh / Colby Deal / Ana Teresa Fernández / Caleb Fung / Joe Harjo / Shona Illingworth / Libuse Jarcovjáková / Ethel Lilienfeld / Mark Menjívar with Jack Yates High School students / Zarina Muhammad / Ou Zhihang / Phillip Pyle II / Shilo Group - Vlad Krasnoschok and Sergiy Lebedynskyy / Siu Wai Hang / C. Rose Smith / Sao Sreymao / Stephanie Syjuco / Brad Temkin / Rafael Vilela / NY) HvADesign (Brooklyn / Guy Debord / Rebecca Solnit
Verfügbarkeit: Vorbestellbar!
Veröffentlicht am: Erscheint am 21.10.2024
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Artikelnummer: 2633316
ISBN / EAN: 9783775757447

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

50,00 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten

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- Artistic exploration of contemporary geographic issues- Social justice, ecological sustainability, transformative change- How does geopolitics influence political thought? - Artistic exploration of contemporary geographic issues- Social justice, ecological sustainability, transformative change- How does geopolitics influence political thought?

Critical Geography reexamines traditional Western and historical understandings of geography while expanding these investigations to new realms. Borrowing its name from the subdiscipline of geography that questions and challenges power structures, inequality, and the dominant ideologies shaping physical space, Critical Geography explores how space, place, and communities are influenced by social, economic, ecological, and political forces. By critically analyzing these dynamics, the artists and writers in the publication provoke conversations around social justice, environmental sustainability, and transformative change. Critical Geography surveys a diverse range of image-based practices, representing artists from photographers and storytellers whose works shed light on systemic oppression, violence, and urgent environmental concerns to image-makers who appropriate mapping, social media, and technology to explore inequality in colonial and post-colonial contexts.


Autor Verlag Hatje Cantz Verlag
ISBN / EAN 9783775757447 Bindung Hardcover

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