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Refashioning Concrete

Gang:Refashioning Concrete
Autor: Xu Gang
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Artikelnummer: 2623458
ISBN / EAN: 9781788840804

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

40,00 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


A beautifully photographed book on the cutting edge Chinese design firm Bentu, known for their attention to sustainability, reusability, and usage.

Bentu is an award-winning, cutting-edge Chinese design company founded in 2011. It is known for innovative and engaged product and lighting design and manufacturing, with an emphasis on day-to-day functionality and attention to raw materials. The design teams have experimented extensively with the detritus of industry, including concrete, ceramic, metal and plastic pipes, and terrazzo.

In this beautifully photographed book, the evolution of a product is shown, more than told. A stunning series of photos of raw materials and work sites follows the process from beginning to end, creating a visual storyline of environmental impact, innovative design, sustainability, reusability, local sourcing, and usage.


Autor Verlag ACC Art Books
ISBN / EAN 9781788840804 Bindung Hardcover

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