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Asian Economies

Lim:Asian Economies
Autor: Jamus Jerome Lim
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 22.02.2024
Artikelnummer: 2615213
ISBN / EAN: 9781119913160

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

43,90 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


An insightful and thorough exploration of the economies of AsiaIn Asian Economies: History, Institutions and Structure, seasoned economist and professor Jamus Jerome Lim provides a comprehensive discussion and incisive analysis of the economies of Asia. In addition to discussing the sharp contrasts between the region's three major economies--China, India, and Japan--Lim also provides an overview of the rise of the Dragon economies of the East, to the resource-rich economies of the West. The book adopts a unique approach to the treatment of these economies, weaving in aspects of these countries' economic geography and history, their idiosyncratic institutions and structures, along with providing a comparative and international perspective.The book offers:* Careful emphasis on the geographic preconditions and enduring legacy of economic history on the contemporary and future prospects of each of the countries and regions discussed within* Examinations of the importance of the political and economic institutions, as well as market and industrial structures, in shaping the trajectories of the economies considered in the book* Discussions of the dramatic differences and similarities between the Asian economies, as well as how these differences shape these economies' interactions with the rest of the worldPerfect for undergraduate and graduate students of economics, Asian Economies will also earn a place on the bookshelves of business and finance professionals seeking to understand the economies of the world's most diverse and dynamic region.


Autor Verlag Wiley & Sons
ISBN / EAN 9781119913160 Bindung Hardcover

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