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Wacky Weather

Tarpley:Wacky Weather
Autor: Todd Tarpley / Aristides Ruiz / Alan Batson
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Artikelnummer: 2599891
ISBN / EAN: 9780593433836

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

12,30 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


An introduction to oddball weather events with the Cat in the Hat as your guide!

With a little help from Thing One and Thing Two, the Cat in the Hat travels the planet and beyond to introduce beginning readers to 17 strange but true weather events, among them waterspouts, dust devils, ball lightning, snow donuts, fire whirls, red sprites, sundogs, ice tsunamis, clouds shaped like UFOs and cinnamon rolls, diamond rain, metallic snow, and a storm so wide three Earths could fit INSIDE it!

Perfect for nurturing a love of science and reading in a young child, this is a great choice for fans of the hit PBS show The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!


Autor Verlag Penguin Random House
ISBN / EAN 9780593433836 Bindung Hardcover

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