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Size Wise

Bedoyere:Size Wise
Autor: Camilla de la Bedoyere / Vasilisa Romanenko
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Artikelnummer: 2599836
ISBN / EAN: 9781780558240

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

17,00 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


A detailed, children's non-fiction title showcasing the different sizes of things in nature. Paired with captivating information about these incredible things, size comparisons and extra facts, this book will have you absorbed with the littlest and largest things on our astonishing planet.
Discover some of the biggest and smallest things in the natural world.

This book explores the wonders of nature with awe-inspiring, realistic illustrations at life-size. Across each fascinating spread, beautiful artwork shows breathtakingly large or unbelievably small natural wonders, including eyes, wings, tentacles, sand, snowflakes, flowers and much more, all at real-life size, or zoomed in for extra interest. Marvel at the dinner-plate-sized eye of the colossal squid, the rainforest flowers you can sit inside, the fingernail-width dwarf blue butterfly and what sand really looks like when magnified.

Paired with captivating information about these incredible things, size comparisons and extra fun facts, this book will have you absorbed with the littlest and largest things on our astonishing planet.


Autor Verlag Michael O'Mara Publications
ISBN / EAN 9781780558240 Bindung Hardcover

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