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Vegan Party Planning

Vranjican:Vegan Party Planning
Autor: Nicole Vranjican
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 05.12.2023
Artikelnummer: 2597089
ISBN / EAN: 9781684812424

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

37,80 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


From unique vegan recipes to try at home, to party themes to entertain any guest, this cookbook is packed with tasty plant-based foods and delicious recipes set to delight even your hungriest guests!
Easy Plant-Based Foods and Vegan Recipes for Parties!

From unique vegan recipes to try at home, to party themes to entertain any guest, this cookbook is packed with tasty plant-based foods and delicious recipes set to delight even your hungriest guests!

Entertaining your hungry friends just got easier! Nicole Vranjican of "Nikki Vegan" created this vegan entertaining cookbook with you in mind. Take an elaborately fun and inviting tour through plant-based food recipes of the world, from the shores of Italy to the French countryside and beyond. This cookbook is a delightful guide full of easy vegan recipes and party themes that your guests will love.

These weekly menu ideas bring fun to every day! Learn how to cook Greek Meatballs, Restaurant-Style Lasagna, decadent Mocha Almond Fudge Trifle, and so much more. Enjoy vegan appetizers and meals that are super simple to make all while using affordable and accessible ingredients. These plant-based foods and vegan recipes will keep your friends and family coming back for more.

Inside, you'll find:

  • Beautiful spreads of delicious recipes for vegan appetizers, meals, and desserts
  • Easy vegan recipes for parties at home and elsewhere
  • Guides on how to entertain guests, create an effective shopping list, and make your home feel more inviting

If you're looking for a beautiful photography book of vegan recipes or vegan cookbooks, or if you liked PlantYou, Plant-Based on a Budget, or Making Vegan Meat, you'll love Vegan Party Planning.


Autor Verlag Yellow Pear Press
ISBN / EAN 9781684812424 Bindung Hardcover

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