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Myths of Management

Stern:Myths of Management
Autor: Stefan Stern / Cary Cooper
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 23.01.2023
Artikelnummer: 2593216
ISBN / EAN: 9781398607743

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

13,00 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


Uncover the myths that dominate popular conceptions of management, and become a better manager with this compelling, entertaining and practical guide.

Is it really true that working longer hours makes you more successful? Are millennials self-obsessed and frightened of hard graft? Do you really need to hide your emotions in order to gain respect as a manager? Does higher pay really always lead to higher performance?

The world of management is blighted by fads, fiction and falsehoods. In Myths of Management, Cary Cooper and Stefan Stern take you on an entertaining journey through the most famous myths surrounding the much-written about topic of management. They debunk false assumptions, inject truth into over-simplifications and tackle damaging habits head-on.

Whether cheesy, naïve or even destructive, management myths could be holding you back and stifling your team's potential. Myths of Management is the guide you need to become an enlightened manager.

About the Business Myths series...

The Business Myths series tackles the falsehoods that pervade the business world. From leadership and management to social media, strategy and the workplace, these accessible books overturn out-of-date assumptions, skewer stereotypes and put oft-repeated slogans to the test. Entertaining and rigorously researched, these books will equip you with the insight and no-nonsense wisdom you need to succeed.


Autor Verlag Kogan Page
ISBN / EAN 9781398607743 Bindung Taschenbuch

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