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Advanced Pain Management in Interventional Radiology

Ray:Advanced Pain Management in Interve
Autor: John Prologo / Charles Ray
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 13.03.2023
Artikelnummer: 2585163
ISBN / EAN: 9781684201402

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

84,99 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


A practical, case-based guide on how to perform minimally invasive, image-guided procedures for pain management

Minimally-invasive techniques with fewer complications are continually being developed to provide relief to patients with debilitating, unrelenting pain. Although significant advancements have been made and development continues at a rapid pace, it is essential that progress continues and clinicians unfamiliar with these techniques learn and incorporate them into practice. Advanced Interventional Pain Management: A Case Based Approach edited by renowned interventional radiologists J. David Prologo and Charles E. Ray Jr. is the first textbook to use case examples to detail the latest image-guided interventional approaches to treat conditions, diseases, and syndromes associated with unremitting, incapacitating pain.

Fifty chapters by top experts in the field provide reviews of clinical conditions and technical guidance on how to perform procedures for a wide range of challenging pain conditions. The book starts with an insightful chapter on opioids, with discussion of history, the devastating opioid crisis, an overview of interventional pain procedures, and the important role interventional radiologists play in decreasing opioid use in select populations. Subsequently, each of the case-based chapters is consistently formatted with the case presentation, clinical evaluation, review of pertinent imaging, development of a treatment plan (including non-IR treatment options), technical details, potential complications, and a literature review of the featured technique.

Key Features

- A periprocedural, multidisciplinary team approach emphasizes the importance of clinical evaluation of patients for making differential diagnoses and developing treatment plans
- Pearls on techniques, as well as pre- and post-procedural patient management
- Illustrated, step by step guidance on how to perform image-guided interventional techniques in complex pain patients, including 10 high-quality video clips
- Chapter discussion blocks with pertinent companion cases describe the challenges and nuances of each of the primary techniques

This book provides interventional radiologists, anesthesiologists, neurologists, and other clinicians with in-depth understanding of the clinical indications and methodologies for treating complex pain patients with advanced interventional pain management procedures.


Autor Verlag Thieme, Stuttgart
ISBN / EAN 9781684201402 Bindung Taschenbuch

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