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Autor: Jennifer Croll / Rachelle Baker
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 23.02.2023
Artikelnummer: 2557275
ISBN / EAN: 9783791389165

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

18,00 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


The author of "Free the Tipple" is back with another collection of delectable cocktails-this time a literary mix inspired by the world's most iconic women writers.

The 50 recipes in this volume are as unconventional, imaginative, and refreshing as the authors that inspired them. Each double-page spread includes an illustration of one important woman writer along with fascinating background about her oeuvre, personality, and points of literary distinction. And, of course, each profile is paired with a delicious recipe for a fitting cocktail. Pulling from every category-literary and genre fiction, poetry, graphic novels, essays and nonfiction-this book offers some surprising twists as well as old favorites. And while each subject could provide hours of cocktail chatter, the recipes themselves are also a unique conversation starter: the Virginia Woolf-a peach-and-mint creation with a modernist flair; the Octavia Butler-an uncompromising blend featuring bourbon and port; the Jia Tolentino-a purple sparkler that puts a cerebral twist on pop culture; and the Mary Shelley-an unexpected combination of the Manhattan and the Margarita. Perfect for literary-themed parties as well as intimate gatherings, this book itself is an intoxicating, lip-loosening brew made of equal parts sophistication and fun.


Autor Verlag Prestel
ISBN / EAN 9783791389165 Bindung Hardcover

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