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Spray Nation

Cooper:Spray Nation
Autor: Martha Cooper / Roger Gastman
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 29.12.2022
Artikelnummer: 2483296
ISBN / EAN: 9783791388748

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

40,00 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


Culled from the extensive archives of one of the most renowned graffiti photographers of all time comes this remarkable collection of previously unpublished images of New York's graffiti scene in the 1980s.

If you were a graffiti writer in 1980s New York City, you wanted Martha Cooper to document your work-and she probably did. Cooper has spent decades immortalizing art that is often overlooked, and usually illegal. Her first book, 1984's »Subway Art« (a collaboration with Henry Chalfant), is affectionately referred to by graffiti artists as the »bible«. To create »Spray Nation«, Cooper and editor Roger Gastman pored through hundreds of thousands of 35mm Kodachrome slides, painstakingly selecting and digitizing them. The photos range from obscure tags to intimate portraits, action shots, walls, and subway cars painted inside and out. They are accompanied by heartfelt essays celebrating Cooper's drive, spirit, and singular vision. The images capture a gritty New York era that is gone forever. And although the original pieces (as well as many of their creators) have been lost, these resplendent photos feel as immediate and powerful as a subway train thundering down the tracks.


Autor Verlag Prestel
ISBN / EAN 9783791388748 Bindung Hardcover

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