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Anselm Kiefer, HimmelsPaläste. Heavenly Palaces

Kiefer,A.:Himmelspaläste. Dtsch.-Engl.
Autor: Anselm Kiefer / Heiner Bastian / Christiane Wohlrab
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 12.04.2010
Artikelnummer: 2437562
ISBN / EAN: 9783829604598

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

45,00 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


"Palaces of Heaven" is a series of sculptures - 26 works in glass display cabinets and two detached works - that Kiefer installed in the late 1980s in a historic German brick factory. Made of photographs and fabric, bone, clay, paper, and wood, they directly relate to cabbalistic representations, ancient myths, Christian mysticism and Gnosticism.
Heavenly Palaces is a series of sculptures 26 works in glass display cabinets and one separate work that Anselm Kiefer created and installed in the late 1980s in a historic brick factory of the German Odenwald region. Poetic and extremely fragile works that seem to be almost transparent in the changing, reflecting lights of the space, these sculptures are made of photographs and fabric, glass fragments, clay, paper, bone, delicate card board and wooden structures. They make up a world that is understood only through its direct relations to cabbalistic representations, ancient myths, and Christian mysticism and gnosticism. This volume presents the series for the first time in color and black and white photographs taken by the editor.


Autor Verlag Schirmer/Mosel
ISBN / EAN 9783829604598 Bindung Hardcover

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