Aktivierungskarten für Senioren
Baer:Aktivierungskarten für Senioren
Autor: | Ulrich Baer |
Verfügbarkeit: | Auf Lager. |
Artikelnummer: | 2404655 |
ISBN / EAN: | 9783795719616 |
The activation cards for seniors show how proven methods from creative work with groups can also be used in the work with seniors. Pictures, stories, games and songs encourage people to exchange their preferences, interests and experiences and to get into conversation with each other. Thus, the perceptiveness, imagination and creativity of older people are activated in a versatile and entertaining way. All suggestions can be implemented directly by volunteers and carers.
The activation cards for seniors show how proven methods from creative work with groups can also be used in the work with seniors. Pictures, stories, games and songs encourage people to exchange their preferences, interests and experiences and to get into conversation with each other. Thus, the perceptiveness, imagination and creativity of older people are activated in a versatile and entertaining way. All suggestions can be implemented directly by volunteers and carers. Numerous tips help to adapt to the abilities and interests of the respective group.
Autor | Ulrich Baer | Verlag | Schott Music, Mainz |
ISBN / EAN | 9783795719616 | Bindung | Taschenbuch |
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