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Diagnosing Canine Lameness

Koch:Diagnosing Canine Lameness
Autor: Daniel Koch / Martin S. Fischer
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 03.03.2020
Artikelnummer: 2336498
ISBN / EAN: 9783132432833

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

109,99 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


Best Practice in Lameness Diagnostics

This guide to systematic, step by step lameness examination is based on the latest findings in locomotion research.

Each step of the examination is clearly described and informatively illustrated. Video demonstrations of techniques used throughout the examination process are also provided. An introductory chapter delivers the key to a functional understanding of canine anatomy. Anatomical structures relevant to each stage of the examination are depicted in detailed graphics to faciliate elucidation of findings derived from palpation. The most common observations and their interpretation are presented in convenient, quick-reference summaries. Investigation of lameness is complemented by a comprehensive guide to neurological examination, including accompanying videos.

The most important orthopedic and neurological disorders are presented through video examples of abnormal gaits, as well as detailed descriptions of diagnostics and therapeutics.

The complete guide to lameness examination in the dog. 38 videos included.


Autor Verlag Thieme, Stuttgart
ISBN / EAN 9783132432833 Bindung Hardcover

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