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Stuff Every Cheese Lover Should Know

Jones:Stuff Every Cheese Lover Should K
Autor: Alexandra Jones
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 06.10.2020
Artikelnummer: 2181166
ISBN / EAN: 9781683692386

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

12,30 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


This pocket-sized handbook to all things cheese is the perfect gift for artisan cheese lovers, home cheesemakers, and anyone who appreciates a good wedge of cheddar.

It's hard to think of a more universally beloved food than cheese. But there's so much more to learn and enjoy beyond the plastic-wrapped blocks from the grocery store. Within the pages of this pocket-sized guide, you'll find information, how-tos, and trivia for cheese lovers of all levels. Casual cheese eaters and connoisseurs alike will learn about

- How Cheese Is Made
- Why Some Cheeses Melt Differently
- How to Build a Festive Cheese Board for Entertaining
- Pairing Cheese with Wine and Beer
- How to Make Cheese at Home

Plus an illustrated guide to cheese gadgets, terms every cheese lover should know, how to host a cheese tasting, how to make the ultimate grilled cheese, and much more!


Autor Verlag Penguin Random House US
ISBN / EAN 9781683692386 Bindung Hardcover

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