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The Picasso Connection

The Picasso Connection
Autor: Kunsthalle Bremen / one / one / Michael Hertz / Kai Hohenfeld / Manuela Husemann / Barbara Nierhoff-Wielk
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Artikelnummer: 2168528
ISBN / EAN: 9783775748056

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

44,00 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


-Picasso's prints in post-war Germany -A lively chapter in gallery history -A treasure from the print collection at the Kunsthalle Bremen -Picasso's prints in post-war Germany -A lively chapter in gallery history -A treasure from the print collection at the Kunsthalle Bremen
Without a doubt, Picasso is one of the most important and versatile artistic personalities of the twentieth century. But how does a body of work become so successful, and how does it wind up in major collections, museums, and exhibitions? Not infrequently, it is the courage of individuals who recognize genius in the works and advocate for them in the face of conservatism and criticism. In Picasso's case, this role in Germany fell to the Bremen art dealer Michael Hertz. His commitment in the post-war period is not only due to Picasso's exhibition at the documenta 3 in 1964, but also to the Kunsthalle Bremen, which has one of the most extensive collections of the artist's prints. This volume brings together the outstanding printworks, including lithographs, linocuts, and artist's books. Picasso's oeuvre of prints can be regarded as a fascinating collection, in which can be read the triumph of the affordable medium in post-war Germany, as well as the dealer's strong commitment. PABLO PICASSO (1881-1973) is regarded as the epitome of the twentieth-century artist. In addition to his paintings and sculptures, his graphic works also enjoy special fame. MICHAEL HERTZ (1912-1987) made a name for himself in the post-war period as an art dealer. Through his contacts to the French art scene, he encountered the work of Picasso and became the exclusive representative for his printworks in Germany.


Autor Verlag Hatje Cantz Verlag
ISBN / EAN 9783775748056 Bindung Hardcover

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