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Autor: Sven Lindhorst-Emme
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Artikelnummer: 2168493
ISBN / EAN: 9783735607355

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

12,95 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


A portrait of the most powerful man in the world through his own words. To overtrump oneself or others does not necessarily have negative connotations. It also means to get the maximum out of oneself, to constantly better ones standing, and to learn from what has come before. With this collection of quotations, Sven Lindhorst-Emme wants to show a broad sampling of Donald Trump's verbalizations, and thus, of how he thinks, and ultimately leave it to the reader to create their own picture. The quotations that make up this publication are often contradictory: they impress, shock, surprise, amaze, amuse, provoke anger, sadden, or leave one incredulous and confused. From interviews to television appearances to speeches and a number of social media channels - Donald Trump is everywhere.


Autor Verlag Kerber Verlag
ISBN / EAN 9783735607355 Bindung Hardcover

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